Is your current neighborhood your ideal place to live? Why did you choose that particular area? Maybe it was because of affordability or because it’s close to work or because you have family that lives nearby.
Another reason is likely because you felt the “vibe” of that neighborhood. You’re not alone! Most of Americans choose their neighborhoods based on the location and atmosphere fitting their personality and lifestyle.
In fact, if you’re a millennial, the neighborhood vibe plays a significant role in choosing where you live and where to buy a home. While those over 55 put less emphasis on the atmosphere of a neighborhood, it’s still essential. After all, there is a reason why certain parts of our country and even our state sees clusters of retirement communities –they like the vibe!
Read on to read more interesting facts about neighborhood vibes and see what the current trends are across the country.
Note –are you looking for a new vibe? We can help! Apply for a home loan today and start exploring your options.
Neighborhood Vibes Matter in Home Buying
Applying for a mortgage and buying a home is a long-term commitment, so it’s crucial that you know what sort of neighborhood vibe you want before signing on the line.
For some, the traditional 3-bedroom with a yard and picket fence is their ultimate vibe. For others, an urban atmosphere with local breweries and summer music festivals might be just the ticket.
What’s sort of neighborhood vibes are most popular today?
Not surprisingly, “quiet and quaint” remains the most desirable atmosphere –but only slightly as one recent survey reveals. About one-third of Americans desire a neighborhood with a community feel, curb appeal, and traditional tree-lined streets — the perfect suburban family neighborhood.
28 percent of Americans said they want a neighborhood that has reasonably priced bars, restaurants, and coffee shops within walking distance. Considering that Millennials make up more than a third of today’s home buyers, the popularity of the urban vibe isn’t surprising.
Americans who prioritize a healthy lifestyle and the outdoors look for a neighborhood vibe that has hiking trails, farmer’s markets, and organic farming. About 21 percent of Americans described themselves as “family-centric” and desired a neighborhood with plenty of playgrounds, libraries, and lots of activities for kids.
What about upscale, urban vibes? As it turns out, only about 9 percent of those surveyed wanted a neighborhood with fancy restaurants, bars, and retail stores.
A neighborhood that fits your budget is important. But living in an area with a vibe you love is just as essential, and it helps to make your house your home. What’s your neighborhood vibe? Are you living in it now? If not, we can help you find your vibe! Contact us today to see how much home you can buy in your dream neighborhood!